Hands On Physiotherapy

Are You Suffering From Foot and Ankle Pain In Wimborne, Dorset?

Hands On Physiotherapy is here to help!

If you are suffering from foot and ankle pain or strains, we know how debilitating it can be. 

All aspects of life and functional movement are affected, and the inflammation associated with many of these problems can be really tricky to get under control.  

But with the help of physiotherapy, we can help identify the cause of the issues, whether it be plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, a heel spur, stress fracture or poor foot biomechanics.  

There are many natural approaches to help you get on top of these issues and help you get back onto your feet and stay active. 

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

How We Can Help With Foot And Ankle Pain

Whatever the foot or ankle condition or injury is, recovery and the return of normal function will be quicker the earlier they are treated. Prompt treatment will also reduce the risk of long-term issues in the foot and ankle and prevent prolonged unnecessary treatment sessions. 

Through our knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and physiology of the foot and ankle, our physiotherapists have the expertise to conduct assessments of movement, posture and muscle imbalance to help you to regain proper foot and ankle function. 

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

Why Is Physiotherapy Beneficial For Foot And Ankle Pain Even Though You Currently Feel Fine?

You don’t have to currently have a foot or ankle injury in order to benefit from physiotherapy. It isn’t always noticeable at first when areas of the body such as your feet or ankles are getting tight, stiff and sore. With this in mind, monthly physiotherapy can help to maintain optimum function in the foot and ankle area and prevent problems occurring. 

Additionally, coming to see us either before or after taking part in sports or activities that rely on the feet and ankles can help you to optimise function and reduce the risk of injury.

How Do We Achieve Successful Treatment For Foot And Ankle Pain?

We use a number of treatments to heal you: 

  • Deep Soft Tissue Massage and Mobilisation Techniques Such As Trigger Point Release and Effleurage Massage To Remove Swelling
  • Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation
  • Passive and Active Stretches For The Feet
  • Possible Use Of Orthotics to Improve Poor Biomechanics
  • Advice and Education Regarding Person Exercises and Rehabilitation.
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