Hands On Physiotherapy

Are You Suffering From Low Back Pain In Wimborne, Dorset?

You don’t have to be injured or have pain in your back for physiotherapy to be beneficial. You might not always notice right away when your back is getting tight, stiff and sore. These subtle changes and adaptation are occurring all the time without us realising it until we suddenly become symptomatic and cause pain.  It can then be a longer and more costly journey trying to unpick these chronic changes.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

How Can We Help With Low Back Pain?

With back pain, early intervention and treatment leads to a quicker and more efficient recovery journey and return to normal function. Early treatment also reduces the risk of long-term disability and prolonged treatment sessions. 

Thanks to an expert knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and physiology, our chartered physiotherapists have the expertise to conduct assessments of movement, posture and muscle imbalance in your back in order to provide you with the lasting treatment you need and deserve.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

Why Is Physiotherapy Beneficial For My Lower Back Pain Even If I currently Feel Fine?

You don’t have to be injured or have pain in your back for physiotherapy to be beneficial. You might not always notice right away when your back is getting tight, stiff and sore.  

Monthly physio sessions can help to maintain optimum function and prevent back problems from occurring later down the line by strengthening the area. 

People will often come to us after exercise to relieve back muscle tightness and optimise their muscle function. 

Alternatively, treatment before intense sporting activities that might place stress on the back, or before returning to sport can significantly reduce the risk of injury.

Want Help to Decide if Physio is Right For You?

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

How Do We Achieve Successful Treatment For Lower Back Pain?

We use several treatments to heal you: 

  • Deep Soft Tissue Massage and Mobilisation Techniques
  • Passive Joint Range Movements and Stretches
  • Manipulation Of The Spine And Pelvis
  • Advice and Education Regarding Personal Exercises To Strengthen and Stabilise.
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