Hands On Physiotherapy

Have you suffered a Muscle Strain or Tear In Wimborne, Dorset?

Hands On physiotherapy is here to help!

Muscle strains and tears, or pulled muscles, are one of the most common injuries that can occur to anyone at any time.  

Physiotherapy and deep tissue massage is a fantastic way to help repair and alleviate painful muscles and ultimately help prevent further injuries. By treating and managing your muscles on a regular basis, we can help to optimise their strength and length to maintain a fit and mobile body. 

Muscle strains can be caused by many things, such as falls, sudden twisting or moving, heavy trauma to a muscle, excess weight placed on the muscles or repetitive movement that places additional stress on the muscles than usual. 

Additionally, muscle strains and tears can also occur as a result of exercise, and you are more susceptible to this kind of injury if you have existing tight muscle structures or have already strained a muscle in the past.

You’re more likely to sustain a muscle strain or tear if you fail to warm up properly before activity or if you have tight or weak muscles, which are not able to support your body as efficiently as possible.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

How We Can Help With Muscle Strains and Tears?

When it comes to muscle strains and tears, the recovery and return of normal function will be quicker if treated earlier. Prompt treatment will also reduce the risk of long-term disability and prolonged treatment sessions. 

Because of our knowledge of muscle anatomy, biomechanics and physiology, we have the expertise to conduct assessments of movement and muscle imbalance that may have caused a strain or tear.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

Why Is Physiotherapy Beneficial For Muscle Strains and Tears Even If You Currently Feel Fine?

You don’t have to have a current muscle strain or tear for physiotherapy to be beneficial for you. Monthly, targeted physiotherapy can help to maintain optimum function and prevent these types of issues from occurring. 

Often people come to us after exercise to relieve muscle tightness and optimise muscle function. 

Alternatively, treatment before intense sporting activities or before returning to sport will reduce the risk of injury.

Want Help to Decide if Physio is Right For You?

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

How Do We Achieve Successful Treatment Of Muscle Strains and Tears?

We use a number of treatments to heal you: 

  • Deep Soft Tissue Massage and Mobilisation Techniques

  • Passive Joint Range Movements and Stretches
  • Application of Kinesiology Tape to Offload Muscles and Optimise Biomechanical function.
  • Advice and Education Regarding Person Exercises To Strengthen and Stabilise.
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