Hands On Physiotherapy

Are You Suffering From Neck Pain In Wimborne, Dorset?

Hands On Therapy is here to help!

We treat many conditions at Hands On Physiotherapy, whether it be for the sporting athlete or the gardening enthusiast. We also see many people that don’t have any current painful conditions but find benefits with maintenance treatment to prevent injury. 

If you are suffering with, for example, neck pain, you’ve probably already tried various methods of self-help to resolve your pain. 

Neck pain often affects people at night, so common methods of relief that you might have tried are changing your pillow or using a heat pack in the evening, but it rarely gives you the long-term relief that you need to enable you to get a good night’s sleep. 

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

Why Am I Experiencing Neck Pain?

Neck pain can also prevent you from functioning effectively during the day and focusing on work.  

We sometimes find that neck pain and loss of neck movement are sometimes linked to clients experiencing headaches, or shoulder and arm pain…

In this example, we would identify the cause of these pains and treat them accordingly, whether it’s a degenerative joint issue, a disc-related problem, or a referred pattern of pain in the arm from the neck or shoulder, or even from a tight knotted muscle. 

Neck and head pain and neck injuries can often occur due to: 

  • Lifting and Bending 
  • Whiplash 
  • Postural Problems Especially If Sitting At A Desk For Long Periods of Time 
  • Stress and Anxiety

Postural neck ache can lead to chronic pain and disc problems. Here at Hands On Physiotherapy, we will give you advice to correct poor sitting posture at your computer or in your car. 

Depending on the diagnosis, additional treatment may involve: 

  • Mobilisation and manipulation techniques 
  • Deep tissue massage and release techniques 
  • Exercise and stability training

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

How We Can Help With Neck Pain!

As with any other pain or injury, recovery and the return of normal function for the neck is much more efficient and will be reached quicker if treated earlier. Prompt treatment will also reduce the risk of long-term disability in the neck and prolonged treatment sessions. 

Here at Hands On Physiotherapy, our knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and physiology means that we have the expertise to conduct thorough assessments of your movement, posture and muscle imbalance, all of which can contribute to your neck pain. 

Want Help to Decide if Physio is Right For You?

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

Why Is Physiotherapy for Your Neck Beneficial Even If You Currently Feel Fine?

You do not have to suffer with a neck injury or be in discomfort for physiotherapy to be beneficial. It is not always noticeable when your neck is getting tight, stiff and sore. Most people start to notice gradual changes, for example not being able to turn their head at a road junction effectively.

Monthly physiotherapy can help maintain optimum function in your neck and prevent problems occurring in the future. 

Often people come to us after exercise to relieve muscle tightness and optimise muscle function in the neck. 

Alternatively, treatment before intense sporting activities or before returning to sport will greatly reduce the risk of a neck injury. 

How Do We Achieve Successful Treatment For Neck Pain?

We use a number of treatments to heal your neck, which include: 

  • deep soft tissue massage and mobilisation techniques such as trigger point release 
  • joint and spinal mobilisation and manipulation 
  • passive and active stretches for the neck and surrounding area 
  • electrotherapy techniques e.g. ultrasound 
  • advice and education regarding personal exercises and rehabilitation 
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